Announcing BoF open registration for the SCaLE 10x

Got a passion you'd like to share? Have a community you'd like to connect with? Want some open discussion on a topic?

If, so, create or join a BoF session on either Friday or Saturday night at SCaLE 10x. The BoFs will be Friday and Saturday nights, January 20th and 21st. The first start at 19:00 and the last start at 22:00. Sign up on the Birds of a Feather (BoF) registration page or contact with any questions you have.

What is a birds of a feather session?? It's an informal meet-up or discussion, where SCALE attendees can get together and discuss a shared interest without a pre-designated agenda.

Want a Maker BoF ( Arduino, soldering, knitting, etc )? A board and card games BoF ( Settlers of Catan, Anti-Monopoly , poker )? A foodie BoF? A configuration management BoF? Programming? Cloud computing? Politics? Big data? Community building? Open data and open standards? An excursion to an offsite activity? All ideas are welcome!