By popular demand, returning for the third year, SCALE is offering amateur radio, or HAM license exams. The exams will be held on 10 March, Sunday, from 08:30 to 15:00, walk-in's welcome. You will need to bring a Government issued photo-id, an FRN (this page is your friend: http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=about_getting_started) or your SSN card, $15 (cash only) and have a US postal address. Programmable Calculators are not allowed but non-programmable calculators, slide rules, log tables, abacus, cuisenaire rods or similar computational aids are permitted. Stationary will be provided for any calculation you need. If you are taking the upgrade exams, bring your license because it goes a lot faster if you do. If you don't have it on you, that's fine too. We can look your information up. See you there!
There is no discounted parking at the Pasadena Convention Center.