LibreOffice Online: The future of document editing is in your hands!

Which would you rather choose: Software Freedom, or Modern Features in your office suite such as online editing and real-time collaboration?
What if you didn't have to choose?
LibreOffice would like you to have your cake and eat it too. Building upon the success and features of our desktop and mobile versions, we've made LibreOffice Online (LOOL) run in the cloud and work in your browser. Come hear:
- How we ported LibreOffice to the cloud, building upon work we did to make the LibreOffice Viewer run on Android
- How you can help us test and improve LOOL, in prepration for our first public release
- How a flexible, Free Software office suite can offer more features and options for deployment, whether at work or at home
Ballroom H
Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 13:30 to 14:30