
Guest Post: Charm School at SCALE

juju is a new deployment tool for the cloud by Ubuntu that provides "service orchestration". It has been likened to "apt for the cloud". juju is for system adminstrators who need a tool that can deploy what you need to the cloud quickly and repeatably.

With Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Long Term Support) coming in April, we're looking to train and educate users on how you can use juju effectively and put it to work. juju uses what we call "charms", which are scripts that encapsulate best practices for a service. Charms can be written in any language you like and more importantly, we've built in sharing and extending charms with other people as part of a simple and fun process.

Here's some sessions we'll be running at SCaLE:

- juju - DevOps Distilled- This will be our general presentation about juju. Why do you need it? What problems can you solve with it? How is it different from other tools? (This presentation will be held at 3pm on Saturday in Los Angeles B)

- juju Charm School- This will be an indepth hands on workshop for turning your trusty old deployment script into a reusable juju charm. We'll go over some use cases for cloud deployments, how you can form relations between charms, and how to scale it all up. If you're working on a project that can deploy in the cloud and want to make it a breeze for Ubuntu Cloud users to do so, then this is the session for you! (Juju Charm School will be held on Friday at 2:30pm in the Marina room. There is no charge to attend Charm School)

Whether you're in the public cloud or building your own internal private cloud, you can use juju to save time and effort doing deployments, we hope you join us. Clint Byrum and I will be available to answer any question about juju (and Ubuntu Cloud in general). Look for us and come chat with us about Ubuntu.


Got five minutes? Have something important to say?

UpSCALE talks at SCALE 10X will be held again this year on Friday, Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. UpSCALE talks are held in the style of the Ignite presentations made popular by various O'Reilly-sponsored events. Participants are given five minutes to speak on a subject accompanied by 20 automatically-advanced slides, making this a fast paced, fun event for participants and audience. To submit an UpSCALE talk, email

PGP Keysigning Party, SCALE 10X

As many of you know, at nearly every SCALE I've organized a PGP keysigning party (if you're not familiar with PGP, see my PGP Guide). They've grown every year and we are now the biggest part of the "BoF" section of SCALE. Two years ago we broke our record with over 50 attendees and this year we hope to further strengthen the web of trust by breaking 100!

SCALE Hotel Rates

Hilton Hotel advertisement

Have you booked your travel for SCALE yet?  The Hilton LAX is offering SCALE attendees a discounted room rate of $109/night as part of this year's show. That is one of the best rates in the LAX corridor!

Even if you are local, consider spending the night! Its a great way to avoid traffic and there are always plenty of evening activities at SCALE once the main conference program ends.  

SCALE: The Next Generation - Invitation for Participation

The Southern California Linux Expo is proud to announce a conference for the next generation of free and open source community enthusiasts. “SCALE: The Next Generation” — lets the FOSS community leaders of tomorrow spotlight their talents and ideas today. Open to kids 10 and older, the goal of conference is to be as “kid driven” as possible, offering a unique opportunity to see and experience the inner workings of planning a conference. Kids will be able to determine the content and help steer the direction that this mini-conference will take.