Program Track B
Speaker: John Curran

In this educational session, John Curran, President and CEO of ARIN will discuss how Linux IT professionals can prepare for IPv6, the benefits of adopting now, and the available resources to help communicate the value of IPv6 to their organizations.

With less than 10% of IPv4 address space remaining, it is extremely urgent that all organizations adopt IPv6 – the next generation of IP technology – before time runs out and the global Internet community is fragmented. Some Linux IT professionals have been slow to adopt IPv6, and have yet to fully understand the benefits and ease of the deployment. With fewer resources on the Web regarding IPv6 and Linux, it is important for attendees to learn why IPv6 is necessary. In this session, John Curran, President and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), will discuss how attendees need to prepare for IPv4 depletion challenges, key considerations for IPv6 adoption, and the benefits of early IPv6 adoption. The session will provide attendees with the information and tools needed to ease their technical and business concerns of adopting IPv6. John will also focus on open-source software implementations of IPv6 and how to make the transition as seamless as possible. He will highlight educational resources available to help Linux IT professionals to better understand and communicate the value of IPv6 to their organizations. ARIN is the nonprofit corporation that manages the distribution of Internet number resources, including IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs), to Canada, many Caribbean and North Atlantic islands, and the United States.
Beginners Track
Speaker: Josh Berkus

What kind of database do you need?

Thanks to new database projects like CouchDB, TokyoCabinet, Solr and others, there are more non-relational database options available than ever for developers. Yet good information on how to choose what kind of database you need is still scarce. We'll cure that in this talk.
Speaker: Brian Cluff

Keep a Microsoft Windows desktop, but save money by using GNU/Linux to implement it. Save even more money by switching to Free Software applications. Employees don't have a visible difference on their desktops. Companies get to save money and IT effort.

It's obvious that moving to Free Software from proprietary software reduces cost and improves ROI. Using Free Software to deploy that proprietary software and keep the same desktop experience also reduces annual cost. See examples of how using GNU/Linux to deploy Microsoft Windows in a multi-campus K12 environment saved money every year. Not only did it reduce desktop software costs, but it reduced server licensing costs. The students, teachers and staff get to keep using the same software and don't have a visible difference on their desktops. They do get better stability, backups, data security and flexibility. Using GNU/Linux as the deployment infrastructure also improves security and reduces firefighting for IT. When also moving to Free Software applications the cost savings and flexibility increase. The presentation includes tips on how to get users to request Free Software rather than forcing them to move over.
Program Track A
Speaker: David Recordon

It's not possible to scale a site like Facebook simply by sharding your databases, learn why we developed or contributed to a series of open source infrastructure technologies such as Cassandra, Hive, Haystack, memcached, MySQL, PHP, Scribe, and Thrift.

From the day that Mark Zuckerberg started building Facebook in his Harvard dorm room in 2004 until today, the site has been built on common open source software such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Now Facebook reaches over 350 million people per month, is the largest PHP site in the world, and has released major pieces of their infrastructure as open source. It's not possible to scale a site like Facebook simply by sharding your databases; rather we've developed and contributed to a series of open source infrastructure technologies. Some of these projects include Cassandra, Hive, Haystack, memcached, and Scribe, where each focuses on solving a specific problem with thrift allowing them to communicate across languages. This talk will give you a better idea of what it takes to scale Facebook, a look into the infrastructure we use to do so, and dive into performance work we're focused on in order to scale PHP to over 350 billion page views per month.
Developers Track
Speaker: Brian Aker

Drizzle, Scaling MySQL for the Web

Ever wondered what would happen if you could rethink a decade worth of design changes? Drizzle is a fork of the MySQL server targeted at web development and cloud computing. We are looking at how to create database for modern multi-core, large memory databases that fit inside of an overall application framework.
Developers Track
Speaker: Randal Schwartz

A brief introduction to Seaside - a revolutionary web framework running on most of the current open source and commercial Smalltalk implementations

Sure, Smalltalk is where we got our modern view of windows and mice and “the desktop” and object-oriented programming and extreme programming two decades ago, but what has Smalltalk done for us lately? I’ll answer this by showing off the Seaside web application framework. Imagine being able to debug a broken web-hit in the middle of the hit, fixing the code, and continuing before the browser knows that something went wrong. Imagine being able to reuse control flows and web components with the ease of OO programming. Imagine being able to do test-driven development, even for HTML delivery. Imagine taking an application from “three guys in Starbucks on a laptop” to “3000 hits per second on your Amazon EC2 cloud” with no major changes in design. No need to imagine… I’ll demonstrate all this and more. Smalltalk knowledge is not required: I’ll start with a brief overview of Smalltalk using Squeak, the free implementation that’s even included in the OLPC XO. General knowledge of Object-oriented Programming basics would be helpful, though.
Program Track C
Speaker: Chris McEniry

We examine the use of XMPP to manage hundreds of servers in various environments.

Cloud infrastructures have provided a great deal of power and versatility, but come at a cost of management overhead. In many cases, a node in a cloud infrastructure has no guarantee of being there at any given moment, has an indeterminable spin up time, and has no way of determining apriori where it will be. These make it hard to coordinate work across the nodes. The typical approach for these setups is to provide an HTTP based registrar. While that works in many cases, the lack of bidirectional communication introduces a bit of ambiguity. What is happening between checkins? Does a node need to unregister itself? What happens when a node goes down? Botnet shepherds have long been dealing with similar problems as cloud shepherds are dealing with now. A botnet node can go down at any time, there is no way to determine when a node will come into the botnet, and botnet nodes come from all over the place. Currently, the primary mechanism that botnet shepherds use to control their networks is over IRC channels. While the primary appeals have been the low barrier to entry, the always on messaging infrastructure, and the inability to lock down the channel, this approach provides an efficient way to coordinate activity in an environment with the above issue with little overhead. Given the similarities between managing a botnet herd and managing a cloud herd, why not use the same management mechanisms that botnets use for more above the board purposes? How well do instant messaging infrastructures work for cloud infrastructures? In this talk, we examine how we can use the botnet herding techniques to manage a large host of servers in a couple of scenarios. We will look at using XMPP as a transport mechanism for a traditional hosting environment as well as a cloud environment.
Speaker: Tarus Balog

Learn about what it takes to run a business based on open source software from someone who has made his living at it for over 8 years.

This talk will cover some things to think about when starting a business based on open source software. Many of them will be based on the experiences of the speaker in running his own business, complete with the importance of trademarks and license choice.
Speaker: Caryl Bigenho

Participants will learn about Sugar's wonderful educational Activities and how to bring them to their own classroom through purchase of XO machines from OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) or using free usb downloads for the intel computers they already have.

Educators and Developers worldwide are teaming up to bring Sugar's OS Software to students everywhere. The programs they create, called Activities, can be run on OLPC's XO, and, via usb downloads, on PCs, including Macs with Intel processors. The list of Activities has grown from a few dozen when the XO first made its public debut in 2007 to over 300 by the end of December 2009. In addition, using other web based resources via Sugar has been made easier. As the collection of Activities has grown, more programs of interest to older students, and even adults, have been added. Participants will learn about the latest and greatest Sugar Activities and the simple processes for getting them for their students. We will look at Sugar on a Stick, buying XO laptops for their school, and the Contributors Program which supplies a small number of free XO computers to educators and developers who want to contribute programs or other content to the greater OLPC/Sugar Labs community.
Try It Lab
Speaker: Caryl Bigenho

Hands-On with Sugar on a Stick

This session is a hands-on exploration of the XO and Sugar on a Stick. Participants will learn about the latest and greatest Sugar Activities and the simple processes for getting them for their students. We will look at Sugar on a Stick (SoaS), which lets you run the OLPC operating system and applications on a variety of PC platforms and Intel-based Macs. We’ll cover how to download SoaA and transfer it to a USB drive. Time permitting, Sugar on a Stick will be compared to the OLPC XO, and we’ll discuss the upcoming XO 1.5 and the expansion of applications.

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