The Eleventh Annual Southern California Linux Expo
February 22-24, 2013
Hilton Los Angeles International Airport



The UpSCALE talks are held in the style of the Ignite presentations made popular by various O'Reilly sponsored events. Participants are given five minutes to speak on a subject accompanied by 20 automatically-advanced slides, making this a fast paced, fun event for participants and audience.

The UpSCALE talks will take place on Friday the 22nd at 8pm in the La Jolla room.  Please join us as members of the Free and Open Source community do their best to beat the clock and get their ideas out!


Chris Bunch - AppScale: Open Source Google App Engine

Deb Nicholson - MediaGoblin

Jon Cruz - Artists' LumPalette

Jaisen Mathai - Consumers and Open Source:  Oil And Water

Josh Berkus - The Seven Deadly Sins of Software Deployment 

La Jolla
Friday, February 22, 2013 - 20:00 to 22:00