The Eleventh Annual Southern California Linux Expo
February 22-24, 2013
Hilton Los Angeles International Airport

Traversing Graphs with MariaDB and OQGraph


We have graphs for social networking and other complex structures, and some specialised tools to store and traverse them. But all our other data is conveniently in MySQL already…

We all know that SQL databases are unsuitable for handling these types of structures! Or are they? Well, not quite. Some can do this stuff, just as efficiently as a native graph store – because well, they are equally native, but oftwn without the convenient SQL interface and ability to join on to your other data.

The OQGRAPH engine is a GPL plugin bundled with MariaDB which was co-implemented with Arjen Lentz of Open Query. The presentation will show how the engine works and the kind of problems it can solve.I 

Los Angeles C
Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 13:30 to 14:30