The Eleventh Annual Southern California Linux Expo
February 22-24, 2013
Hilton Los Angeles International Airport

Pi On Your Face: Getting Hands-On With Raspberry Pi


Welcome, intrepid Pi tinkerers! You've caught us midway through writing the Raspberry Pi Hacks book, and we'd like to share what we've learned along the way while working through an assortment of fun projects, from trying to cram a Raspberry Pi with Gameboy emulator back into an original case to launching a Raspberry Pi with a camera up, up, and... hey, where did it go?


We'll start with the basic important Pi tricks, like making sure you have the right SD card and that you've chosen the best distro for the job you intend to do up through some more challenging problems, like what happens when you need to build a cross-compiler or a custom kernel. Not that those things are crucial to having fun with a Pi, and whether you're new to the board or already used it to power your home automation system, you'll learn a few new ideas in this session.

Century CD
Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 16:30 to 17:30