The Eleventh Annual Southern California Linux Expo
February 22-24, 2013
Hilton Los Angeles International Airport

IPv6 -- If we build it, they will come... Or will they?


This talk will attempt to review the history of IPv6 deployment and the reasons things aren't going as fast as some of us would like. It will seek to use a humorous approach to cover the ways in which human nature is leading us to the brink of losing the free and open internet and how people can take affirmative action to ensure that doesn't happen.

While the initial part of the talk will focus on some important non-technical aspects of these issues, the majority of the talk will provide practical steps, tips, and just plain instructions for deploying IPv6 in Linux environments, whether your ISP is ready or not.

La Jolla
Saturday, February 23, 2013 - 13:30 to 14:30