DevOps Day LA is a full day event targeted at development and operations IT professionals, who wish to improve the interaction between these traditional silos. As IT projects grow in complexity it is critical for development and operations teams to collaborate and work together more closely in order to maintain velocity and ensure project success. Learn how to remove the wall of confusion between your development and operations teams. The 2nd Annual DevOps Day Los Angeles event, will be hosted by SCALE, in conjunction with the SoCal DevOps Meetup. The event will include a full day of sessions, panels, and lightning talks.
10am: Keynote
11:00am Break
11:30am nventory - Your Infrastructure's Source of Truth (Christopher Nolan, Darren Dao, Jeff Roberts)
12:30pm Lunch Hour
1:30pm Lightening Talks
2:30pm Break
3:00pm Panel: Monitoring Sucks!
4:00pm 3 Myths and 3 Challenges to Bring System Administration out of the Dark Ages (Mark Burgess)
5:00pm DevOps Newly Wed Game