
Tatiana Krupenya
Audience: Beginner
Topic: PostgreSQL

Can we write database queries in ChatGPT? The simple answer is Yes, but how good is these queries? During the talk we will go through the whole process of forming the right request for AI, discuss the main issues that AI has and some mistakes that users make, and of course, how to avoid all of these problem and get a good result. 

Christopher Travers
Audience: Everyone
Topic: PostgreSQL

This presentation focuses on the finer points of NULLs in PostgreSQL as well as corner cases.  We will start with an introduction to NULLs and three-valued logic and a quick overview of the common NULL traps that everyone tends to fall for.  Then we will dive in to corner cases and what they tell us about NULL handling in general.  We will also cover a few cases where proper understanding of NULL handling makes some problems much easier. 

Scott Williams, Perry Rivera, Brian Monroe
Audience: Everyone

Experience the Fedora desktop in an immutable fashion!

This all levels demo explores the basics of Silverblue, Kinoite, Sericea, and Onyx. A survey of the history, installation basics, getting started, and basic tools will be covered.

We'll start with ways to install applications, proceed to upgrading between different versions of Fedora, and cover key container development tools. From basic users to container developers, there's something for everyone here! 

Samuel Raumin
Audience: Everyone

Within the university setting, Linux is treated more as a burdening task than a helpful tool. In this presentation, we will explore the synergy that is Linux, Nix, and Computer Engineering. With these tools, we can enable engineers to use tools that work within the same environment as the developer before going out into the big world.

Lisa Umberger
Topic: Security

Security policies are critical to mitigating the challenges and issues facing security departments and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. This talk highlights the importance of security policies in addressing security issues and compliance failures, and offers strategies for creating, implementing, and enforcing effective security policies that align with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.

NISHchint Raina, Shaun Hopper
Audience: Intermediate

We'll discuss the challenges we faced when running Chef in the cloud: juggling build time v/s runtime dependencies, attempting to test continuously moving updates, sharing cookbooks across different deployment environments, and being constrained to CentOS.

Later, we’ll reveal how we turned these challenges around by adopting an immutable instance philosophy: managing instance lifecycle via CI/CD pipelines, relying on build time testing, reducing chef runtime footprint, and making critical host level infrastructure portable by moving it to docker containers.

Vijay Samuel, Wei Tang
Audience: Beginner
Topic: Observability

OpenTelemetry is today's defacto standard for distributed tracing. It's collector is used by everyone in varied configurations to accept spans. However, tuning the collector takes time and a lot of energy to get right. In this talk we discuss what are the steps we took to tune the collector, what our final configuration was and how we pivoted the platform to a more optimal architecture based on what we learned. 


This talk provides a reference implementation for tracing at scale. Something we don't hear enough about.

Cali Dolfi, Dawn Foster
Audience: Intermediate

The data available about open source projects can feel like a tsunami with wave after wave of data that can feel overwhelming. But there are ways to make this more manageable by finding and focusing on the metrics that matter the most for you. This talk focuses on tips and techniques for making sense of those waves of data using collections of metrics to result in actionable insights about your open source software.

Tony Loehr
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

In our session, we'll delve into DevSecAI: the powerful fusion of DevOps, security, and AI. Uncover how AI-driven innovations streamline software deployment, conserve developers' time, and offer enhanced security analysis. Experience a live demo of StreamDeploy's "StreamDockerAI" tool, showcasing the potential of AI in bolstering developer velocity and security in today's tech landscape.

Omar Alva
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Career Day

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling open source career journey that spans continents? Join us as we delve into the exciting world of international open source career opportunities. In this presentation, you'll discover the advantages, challenges, and invaluable experiences that come with taking the leap to work abroad in the open source industry.