I just want to push my code to GIT


Platform-as-a-service (PAAS) became popular with the introduction of Heroku, but has since taken a more complicated and costly turn with every hyperscaler providing their own version.

For some of us who do individual projects, the Heroku free version was enough to host our project on the Internet.  PIKU brings the excitement of the original concept of pushing code to GIT and having it 'just work' on the Internet on your own VPS or VM.

This talk will walk you through what is PAAS, why PIKU is a good choice, how it works, what it provides and how you can use it for your next project.

A very demo-centric with live problems / solutions and Q/A should help everyone come away loving what PIKU is and how you can use it.

(I am just a fan of the PIKU project, not the creator or owner)


Ballroom A
Saturday, March 16, 2024 - 18:15 to 19:15