Open Spaces

Open Spaces: Dynamic DevOps Discussions at DevOpsDayLA
Elevate your DevOpsDayLA experience during lunch with our Open Spaces sessions! These are interactive, participant-driven discussions where your ideas and insights take center stage.

How It Works:
1. Simple Topic Voting: Use the QR codes around the venue to vote for the DevOps topics you're passionate about.
2. Community-Driven Discussions: The most popular topics, as chosen by you, will form the basis of our discussion tables. From automation breakthroughs to cultural shifts in tech, your interests shape the agenda.
3. Facilitated by Volunteers: Each table will be guided by a DevOpsDayLA volunteer, ensuring a focused and engaging discussion.

Why Participate?
1. Connect with Peers: Engage with fellow local DevOps practitioners and enthusiasts who share your interests.
2. Exchange Knowledge: Share your experiences and gain new insights in an open, collaborative environment.
3. Drive the Conversation: Your participation directly influences the direction and dynamism of the discussions.

Get ready to contribute, learn, and engage in meaningful dialogue with your community at our Open Spaces sessions – where conversations ignite innovation!

Friday, March 15, 2024 - 12:00 to 13:30