SCALE: The Next Generation, a youth-focused STEM event will return to Pasadena on March 11th. This is an event where the free & open source community leaders of tomorrow will be able to spotlight their ideas, projects and talents! This year's program will include sessions on everything from quantum computing, to generative AI and art and music, to 3D modeling and robotics. All sessions are presented by K-12 students.
In addition to the presentations by fellow students, attendees may visit The Next Generation Playground anytime between 11am and 5pm to get hands-on experience with taking apart electronics, computer kits , robotics, and basic circuitry.
For attendees under the age of 18 who are interested in attending SCALE and the TNG track, there is no charge for admission. You can either register on site at our registration information desk or pre-register by sending your name, email address and zip code to info@socallinuxexpo dot org. Note: A parent or guardian must accompany their child to SCALE TNG and stay for the duration.
For those interested in helping to plan the event, we encourage you to join the scale-kids mailing list here.
11:15am Logan Garrison: Creating YouTube Videos
12:00pm Wesley Bantugan: Quantum computing for people outside the loop
1:45pm Timothy Kidd, Mikaela Boyon, Zoe Villanueva: Open Source Streaming with JellyFin
2:30pm Samantha Saldana, Danica Madamba: Robotics for Dummies
3:30pm Luis Mendoza, David Martinez: Design Your Dreams
4:15pm Miejl Mendoza, Jilliene Yusi: Redefining Creativity
TNG Playground is open from 11am-5pm. Students can come by at any time. They will have opportunities to learn about:
Prosthesis Design: Learn how to build a simple arm extender using a kit that they can take home.
Paper Circuits: Explore the fun of circuitry and your own creativity through paper circuits. Use colorful paper, copper tape, LEDs, sensors, and batteries to make your own light-up creation.
Disassembly Academy: Take apart hard drives, computers, appliances to find out how they work.
Fax Machine Activity: Learn how images are represented in computers
Snap circuits and Turing Tumble: Follow instructions to build multiple projects using either Snap Circuits or Turing Tumble.