UpSCALE is a set of lightening talks held at SCALE in partnership with OpenSource.com, in the style of Ignite presentations. Speakers will get 5 minutes to enlighten the audience. Slides will auto-advance while chosen speakers deliver their message, a brief story of open source deliciousness. The format makes for a fast paced, fun event for participants and audience. The UpSCALE talks will take place on Saturday March 4th at 8pm in Ballroom DE. Please join us as members of the Free and Open Source community do their best to beat the clock and get their ideas out!
If you would like to be one of those speakers, there are two ways to be considered. First, submit your proposal via the SCALE CPF system (select UpSCALE as the topic). The UpSCALE committee will decide on seven of the eight speakers. Second, you can attend the SCALE 15x Lighting Talk Workshop on Thursday, March 2. During the workshop Duane O'Brien will help you take your lightning talk from idea to implementation, and one lucky participant from the training session will be chosen to participate in UpSCALE.