Raspberry Pi Hacks: Tips & Tools for Making Things with the Inexpensive Linux Computer

Tom Callaway, co-author of Raspberry Pi Hacks (O’Reilly, December 2013), will share hints and tips for brave hackers ready to bring their ideas to life with the Raspberry Pi. They’ll start with the important basics of doing tricks with your Pi and go on to talk about a few fun projects, from game emulators to cameras in the sky. This talk is fun for both experienced builders and novices, so feel free to bring along kids, friends, neighbors, and anyone else you think might like to get started building with the Pi.
Tom will start with the basic-but-important Pi tricks, like making sure you have the right SD card and that you’ve chosen the best distro for the job you intend to do, and then on through some more challenging problems, like what happens when you need to build a cross-compiler or a custom kernel.
Raspberry Pi Hacks includes information like this along with instructions for projects, including some kid-friendly builds and more advanced projects. We’ll show a few of these and help you kickstart your own ideas for great projects with this tiny device.