The main SCALE call for papers is now closed, but many of our co-located events are still accepting and reviewing proposals. If you are submitting a proposal for these, please follow the instructions below.
How to Submit a Proposal
If you are a registered speaker from a previous SCALE event, you can re-use your account from the previous SCALE submission and you don’t need to sign up for a new account (and you can skip the next two paragraphs).
- For first-time submitters, visit the link and create an account to register the speaker by entering various details in the form such as name, affiliation, bio, email address of the speaker. Please ensure that the personal biography is not more than 1000 characters; focus on relevant experience to your proposal topic and write from the third-person perspective. Note that the contact email-address is the one that will be used to confirm the account creation and speaker registration.
- Once registration is complete, an email will be automatically sent to the email address to set the password for subsequent access.
- To submit a talk, please go to the link labeled Submit a presentation: Enter the title for the talk, the intended audience, the proposed track for this talk (Cloud/System Admin/Developers/General etc.). Then provide a brief description of the main points to be presented. Provide additional details in the space provided. Also, include the names of all speakers that will present this session. Each speaker must be registered with the system before they can be entered in the ”speaker” field.
- Once the talk has been submitted, further edits to the submission can be made, if necessary, up to the CFP closing date by logging into the account with the credentials provided during registration. Be sure to include an email for the primary contact for the presentation. Important information will sent to that address.
- For submitting multiple talks for the same speaker, the step above may be repeated; note that you don’t need to register the speaker again.
- Please notify us if the presentation will require a special technical set-up. The setup provided will include:
- microphone
- overhead projector
- a laptop running Linux with a postscript viewer as well as OpenOffice
Presentations will be allotted a time slot of about 45 minutes. Please ensure that presentations are done in open non-proprietary format. In case you run into any problems during the submission process, for help, please email Proposal abstracts are reviewed by an expert committee and evaluated solely on merit. Given the number of high quality submissions received every year, we request that submission dates be strictly honored in order to provide the committee enough time to choose the best set of proposals.
Important Dates
- 2 July, 2016: CFP Opens
- 15 Nov, 2016: Deadline for abstracts/proposals submissions
- 15 Dec, 2016: Last date for notification of acceptance
- 2 Mar, 2017: Conference starts