
Nick Shadrin
Audience: Intermediate

At NGINX we have recently included support for HTTP/2 protocol in our web server software. This new protocol has a number of important use cases. We will review:

  • Protocol details
  • Different connection types
  • Use of SSL/TLS and security details
  • Cases when HTTP/2 protocol works great and cases where benefits are minimal.
Jeremy Kitchen
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Do you often fear being fired? Is your confidence level in the basement? Is it hard to admit your accomplishments? Do you always work to prove your worth to your peers? I do. All the time. A lot of people do. You are not alone. Studies even say that most people feel like an impostor at some point. Let's talk about what it looks like. Let's talk about the destructive toll it takes on our self-confidence and motivation. Let's talk about how to notice when it touches you or someone you know. When we recognize impostor syndrome, we can conquer it, and release ourselves to do joyful work.

Brenden Blanco
Audience: Advanced
Topic: Kernel

Using tools from the IO Visor Project, learn how to run JIT compiled C programs inside your kernel using the eBPF "in-kernel virtual machine". Combined with kprobes or tc filters, it can work to discover disk latency bottlenecks in your application or analyze your Docker container networking performance, and many things in between! Explore how to bend this kernel Swiss army knife to your will.

Ken Eshelby
Audience: Beginner

This talk is not about solving broad, sweeping, Internet of Things-scale issues.  This is about approaching Things from the ground up; building interconnected thingies and doodads that will eventually comprise the armies of our future machine overlords.  

Internet of Thingies will delve into the physical making of devices which can be used to control systems or collect interesting data.  We will look at use cases, making, and using open source software to interact with Thingies. 

Sergio Schvezov, Manik Taneja
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Ubucon

Snappy Ubuntu Core is the new rendition of Ubuntu, designed from the ground up to power the next generation of IoT devices. The same Ubuntu and its vast ecosystem, but delivered in a leaner form, with state-of-the art security and reliable update mechanisms to ensure devices and apps are always up-to-date. This talk will introduce Ubuntu Core, the technologies of its foundations and the developer experience with Snapcraft. We will also discuss how public andbranded  stores can kickstart a thriving app ecosystem.

Perry Rivera
Audience: Beginner

Interested in digitally drawing or painting on your system? One free application that makes that possible is Krita.

This introduction workshop looks at the basics of Krita. A survey of the history, installation basics, getting started, and basic tools will be covered.

A laptop with pre-installed software is highly recommended if you'd like to follow along.

Aaron Wolf
Audience: Beginner

Overview of music software basics for GNU/Linux covering JACK, ALSA, hardware issues, Audacity, Musescore, Hyrdrogen, Ardour, plugins, specialized repos and distros, and more.

Colin McCabe
Audience: Intermediate

Apache HTrace is a new incubator project which makes it easier to monitor and understand the performance of distributed systems. HTrace aims to provide a truly end-to-end, cluster-wide view of how requests are processed in a production distributed system. I will talk about the architecture of HTrace and how it fits into big data and cloud stacks. I will discuss some of the new features that are on the horizon, and how developers and users can get involved with the HTrace community.

Dave Cramer
Audience: Everyone
Topic: PostgreSQL

Greenplum is the most advanced open source MPP database. Provide an overview of  Greenplum features above and beyond that of PostgreSQL

Sandro Mathys
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Cloud

MidoNet is a production-grade network virtualization software that is fully integrated with OpenStack to provide a fully fault-tolerant, scale-out network for public or private clouds. Replacing the default plug-in in Neutron, MidoNet can be used and controlled through the Horizon web UI and the Neutron CLI.