
John Hawley
Audience: Beginner

The talk is mainly targeting taking an off the shelf embedded platform, Minnowboard Max, and it's use in UAVs, specifically quad-copters. With the ability to do real time computer vision, as well as various GPIO capabilities we'll explore the directions that significantly more autonomous UAVs can take with Linux and embedded platforms using, mostly, off the shelf components.

Patrick O'Connor
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Cloud

First you learn to automate your application's installation, then you learn to automate your system's provisioning and installation. Now lets discuss automating your infrastructure beyond a single system.

When building out a new region/tenant, you are often faced with many dependencies before you can begin spinning up new instances. In this talk I will introduce some of the solutions for different cloud environments covering Cloud Formation, Heat, Terraform, and Chef Provisioning and how to reproduce entire environments.

John Mark Walker
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Open Source is a phenomenon made possible by defined freedoms, managed ecosystems, and the elevation of customers to the same status as developers and vendors, leading to a world where all participants collaborate on open source projects. In this talk, attendees will learn about the happy accident of open source innovation and how to apply the lessons in the era of cloud.

Russell Pavlicek
Audience: Everyone

Much excitement has surrounded the rise of Docker. The promise of small, portable software deployment packages has excited the minds of many in our industry. However, few people have yet recognized the arrival of an even more promising technology: the birth of the unikernel. Like container-based solutions, unikernels fulfill the promise of easy deployment. But unikernels deliver much more, including an extremely tiny footprint and a major improvement in security. As a result, the next generation cloud can have thousands of small VMs per host, greatly reducing costs.

Michael Merideth
Audience: Everyone
Topic: SysAdmin

2015 will be a huge year for open-source monitoring.  Nagios and Icinga, two popular projects with a common origin, have both introduced new versions that represent a big split in how they work.  In addition, new projects are offering novel approaches to network and application monitorinig.  Michael Merideth from VictorOps surveys the landscape, covers the divergence between Nagios and Icinga, and explores several new and exciting open-source monitoring projects.

Dave Stokes
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: SysAdmin

Are you are the developer / system admin / network / analyst / everything-else person at your company and the boss jsut told you that you need to take care of the MySQL databases too!! Don't panic!! This session covers what you need to know to keep your MySQL database instances happy, healthy, and performing at the best of their ability.  Learn how to cheaply monitor your systems health, discover proper backup methods that will save your rear, and lewarn tricks of the trade it noramlly takes full time DBAs years to learn.

Leslie Carr
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: SysAdmin

This talk will describe using network switch as a server. Cumulus Linux throws away the idea that your network gear has to be treated specially. It lets you manage and automate your network the same way you manage the rest of your data center. First, I will show how to deploy a switch from scratch, using Puppet module and zero touch provisioning. Second, I will demonstrate using the switch as an installation server and puppet master. Last, I will display another benefit of thinking of the switch as a server: writing your own software for your switches. All code will be available on Github.

Jos Poortvliet
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Cloud

The Cloud makes life easier and more fun. But the way we currently use it also exposes our data to almost everybody - from governments to companies and hackers. And even for those who think they have nothing to hide, this is an issue.

The internet was designed to be a place where data was everywhere, not on just centralized on a few servers. We need to go back to that model and build federated solutions to get our privacy back, bring our data home!

How? ownCloud is one way of doing that: run your own server with private cloud services.

Bruno Friedmann
Audience: Everyone
Topic: openSUSE

With chosen examples, discover how to break the mythic border between Them and You.
Long time Free Software enthusiastic, I've successfully evolve from simple user
to contributor.

Mike Place
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

In an ecosystem of ever-increasing tools -- both generalized and specialized -- we're reaching a point where the available Linux toolchain has far surpassed what anybody could have imagined many years ago. With so many choices, teams are faced with a tendency to paralyze themselves by endless arguing over which tool is "best".

We'll talk about the history of tools, the history of Linux and how we got to such an embaressment of riches and what can be done to free ourselves from "toolchain paralysis".