MySQL in the Hosted Cloud

Today you can use hosted MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server in several "cloud providers" in what is considered using it as a service, a database as a service (DBaaS). Learn the differences, the access methods, and the level of control you have for the various public cloud offerings:
- Amazon RDS
- Google Cloud SQL
- HPCloud DBaaS
- Rackspace OpenStack DBaaS
The administration tools and ideologies behind it are completely different, and you are in a "locked-down" environment. Some considerations include:
* Different backup strategies
* Planning for multiple data centres for availability
* Where do you host your application?
* How do you get the most performance out of the solution?
* What does this all cost? (Don't suddenly get bitten by hidden block storage costs, etc.!)
Growth topics include:
* How do you move from one DBaaS to another?
* How do you move all this from DBaaS to your own hosted platform?
Questions like this will be demystified in the talk. This talk will benefit experienced database administrators (DBAs) who now also have to deal with cloud deployments as well as application developers in startups that have to rely on "managed services" without the ability of a DBA.