Introduction to the OpenStack Trove project, Database as a Service

An introduction to Database as a Service with an emphasis on OpenStack using Trove
This presentation is aimed at a very broad audience including IT Manager, CxO, DevOps, and database users, and provides a high level introduction to Database as a Service, and focuses on DBaaS with OpenStack Trove.
It helps answer such questions as, “What are some major problems faced by IT and database users in the organization”, “What are the benefits of DBaaS”, “What is OpenStack Trove”, “How does Trove relate to such things as Amazon RDS, MongoHQ, Heroku, DynamoDB, HP Cloud Relational Database and Rackspace Cloud Databases”, “Should I offer DBaaS to my organization”, and “Practical considerations in migrating to DBaaS”.
It presents some practical examples of benefits achieved in adopting DBaaS, and shares learnings from the adoption process, and highlights some potential pitfalls. It concludes with a description of the capabilities of OpenStack Trove, and presents a view of the roadmap of features for upcoming releases.