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2002 Archive:
Event Pictures
Robert Love
Robert Love is an active kernel developer involved in various kernel
projects. He currently works in the real-time and performance group at
MontaVista Software, where he is paid to hack the kernel.
A student at the University of Florida studying Mathematics and Computer
Science, Robert has been using Linux since 1995. His kernel projects
include scheduler, real-time, low-latency, SMP, and VM work. He is the
maintainer of the preemptive kernel and co-maintainer of the scheduler.
Robert Love is speaking about "What's new in the 2.5 kernel"
The Linux kernel 2.5 development series culminated nearly a year of rapid
development with the feature freeze on 31 October. Numerous new features
and enhancements were merged to further increase Linux's performance and
robustness. This talk will discuss some of the more interesting and
relevant new innovations in the kernel including, but not limited to, block
I/O enhancements, new O(1) scheduler, kernel preemption, new
reverse-mapping VM, and thread enhancements.
Improvements to scalability, performance, and stability are numerous in the
new kernel. How these new features work, what they sought to achieve, and
what they actually improved, especially from the view of the desktop user,
will be discussed. How will these new features effect desktop users?
Servers? Embedded systems? When will the new kernel be released? And
what on earth will be its version (2.6 or 3.0)?