bringing transit planning in the hands of everyone

Have you wondered how much time would be saved if a new bus line would be added to your city ? As a city planner, do you need to figure out how to best serve a new neighborhood being developed without introducing a negative impact on the rest of the network? Our tool,, can help you with that.
It's a transit network edition and analysis platform, fully open and requiring only already available open data (OpenStreetMap) to run.
Under the hood, it uses trRouting, a custom designed path routing engine specifically tailored for transit network, and OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine)
With it, you can create a network from scratch or import an existing one defined in a GTFS file. It can export networks in the same format.
You can also do in dept analysis using travel survey data.
This talk will:
- Present an overview of the capabilities of the tool and introduce basic concepts of transit planning science.
- Describe how we leverage OpenStreetMap as our basic source of information. What data do we need to have on the map, how can you make sure OSM has everything needed and why it's a great source of information for transit planning.
- Touch on the challenges of bringing research developed code into the real world and how we partner with actual transit agencies to improve the usability of the tool.
- Present an example of a city that implemented it's bus network with the results gathered with
Our ultimate goal is to make transit planning as easy as what you would do in your favorite city simulation game. We are far from it, but are eager to hear what improvement the communities would like to see and use.