Overview of Apache Bigtop


Following the mantra, “best tool for the job,” you seldom use a single Open Source tool for data processing. The more tools you use, however, the more you start to realize the difficulties of managing dependencies and configuring packages across components, projects, and versions.  This is where the Bigtop project and community comes in.  Come get an overview of Bigtop and why organizations like Cloudera, Wandisco, and Amazon Web Services rely on Bigtop for their own bigdata component distribution efforts.

This session is for anyone interested in packaging, testing and rolling their own bigdata infrastructure.

UPDATE: Link to getting started details for workshop



Link to presentation(s): https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/BIGTOP/SCALE13x

Los Angeles C
Thursday, February 19, 2015 - 10:00 to 11:00